David A. Hargrave
A.K.A. The Dream Weaver

David Hargrave has brought us Arduin which has probably influenced everyone who has ever seen it in some way no matter how small. He will be deeply missed in the gaming community and personally for many. Thanks Dave for giving us this gift called Arduin!
There is so much more to say about David Hargrave that we will have a separate Honor Roll tab that will include many of his words of wisdom for the gaming community and a post entitled Honor Roll for those of you who wish to state something respectful or share a moment or a story that any fan of Arduin would love to hear.
On August 29, 1988, David A. Hargrave passed from this world to the next. He left behind many friends and thousands of gamers who sat at his table, either in his home or at the numerous conventions he attended as a GM and Entrepreneur. He is not and simply cannot be forgotten. He touched lives with his presence, with his thoughts, with his games and with his being. He was not a perfect person; indeed none of us are. But he influenced people and taught a wide variety of life’s lessons just as he had learned them.
Without you David, none of it would have ever been. But with you? OH! What Glories, What Wonders we’ve all lived!
We hoist a mug of Rumble Tummy’s Ale in respectful salute to a man of extraordinary talent, a good friend and fond, fond memories of games Past, Present, and Future…Is that Rumble Tummy Ale in that cup?